As I crossed the causeway to the mainland there were a few fishermen still out.
It was early November and although only mid afternoon the sun was not far from setting.
I walked the beach for a handful of sand to remind me in days-to-come of Enoshima and a very special day. There was a father and his two young sons, busy casting the line but their catch did not come up to their expectations.
The local train to Fujisawa was crowded with anglers heading back, they were sticking out with their long rods and small trolleys with more gear and hopefully some fish.
In Fujisawa travellers to the Metropolis change to JR trains. I only read much later that as early as a century ago a railway operated from here. How would pilgrims to Enoshima like Lafcadio Hearn feel when after covering quite a distance in a "kuruma" on rough rural roads they found themselves suddenly in the face of the most modern means of transport of their time.
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